Privacy policy

The STLM Law Offices has established the following Privacy Policy based on the Japanese Personal Information Protection Act (the “Act”) and will comply with the Policy to properly handle with personal information. Personal Information as used in our Policy has the same meaning as that defined in the Act.

For information regarding Client Identification Verification, please see below:

1. Collection of Personal Information

We will collect Personal Information in a proper manner to the extent necessary for the purpose of use of such information.

2. The Purpose of Use of Personal Information

We will use the collected Personal Information for the purposes set forth below. Unless otherwise provided in the laws, we will not use the collected Personal Information beyond the scope of the use below without the consent of the individuals.

(1) To perform our work as an attorney-at-law;
(2) To respond to any incoming inquiry;
(3) To provide information regarding lectures, seminars, or other events;
(4) To provide information regarding published books or articles;
(5) To send seasonal greetings, newsletters, or e-mails; and
(6) To do any works related to any items listed above.

3. Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties

Except for the following cases, we will not provide a third party with Personal Information without prior consent from the individual:

* Where any law or regulation requires;
* Where providing Personal Information is necessary for the protection of the life, body, or property of an individual, and where it is difficult to obtain the consent of the individual;
* Where providing Personal Information is necessary for cooperating with a state organization, a local government, or a person entrusted by any such party in executing the matters provided by laws and regulations, and where obtaining the consent of the individual is likely to impede executing such matters; or
* Where the laws, including the Act, permit.

4. Security Control Measures

We will exercise due care as required by licensed attorneys-at-law, maintain a security control system, and take necessary procedures including proper education and supervision of person with whom we conduct business to prevent disclosure, loss, impairment, and other mistreatment of Personal Information.

5. Request for Disclosure and Correction

If we are requested to disclose, correct, or cease using Personal Information held by us, we will respond to such requests in a proper way after verifying that the request is made by the individual in question. Please be informed that we may charge necessary fees for responding to such requests.

6. Inquiries

To submit inquiries or requests for disclosure, please include your name, address, telephone number, the name of your attorney, and the requested matters. Inquiries and requests should be sent to the following:

Attn: Person in charge of Personal Information

STLM Law Offices
Japan Gas Ass'n Bld Suite 500 1-15-12 Toranomon, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-0001, Japan

7. Changes to the Policy

We may change this Privacy Policy from time to time in case of necessity. Any changes shall be indicated on this website.

Client Identification Verification

Under the regulation of the Japan Federation of Bar Associations, an attorney in Japan is required to confirm the identity of his/her client when undertaking certain categories of work, such as the sale/purchase of real property, capital contributions to a company, incorporation of a corporation or other entity, trust agreements, M&A transactions, and the management of the client’s account.

In order to comply with the above regulations, we must request that clients provide, and allow us to retain a photocopy of, the following types of identification:

I. Individual Client
An individual client must provide a passport, driver’s license, alien registration card, or other form of government-issued identification that indicates the individual’s name, address, and birth date.
II. Corporate Client
A Corporate client must provide both of the following:
(i) A certificate issued by a governmental or quasi-governmental agency indicating the corporation’s corporate name and address of its headquarters (or principal place of business); and
(ii) A business card or other document indicating the name and title/position of the corporate representative.
The English translation of the above regulation is available at the following URL: